Your needs drive everything we do.
We are expanding WPCode to include more dynamic options for inserting custom scripts based on your valuable feedback and requests.
So, we are excited to introduce 2 new Conditional Logic rules and Dynamic Content Auto Insert Locations in WPCode v2.2.1 to give you greater control over snippet placement and functionality!
Let’s take a closer look.
2 New Conditional Logic Rules for Authors and Page Templates
As time progresses, the Conditional Logic rule collection keeps getting larger and larger to fulfill your growing demands. In that spirit, we are introducing the following two rules so that you can control when and where your code snippets appear more easily and effectively.
Conditional Logic for Authors (Page/Post)
Do you want to target content based on the author of a post or page? From now on, you can show or hide snippets in posts or pages created by specific authors. You can leverage this by opening a snippet in Edit mode, then scroll down to the Smart Conditional Logic section and turn on Enable Logic. Set the Conditions to “Show,” then choose Author from the “Where (page)” category.

This feature opens up a number of great opportunities. For instance, imagine you run a multi-author blog where different writers focus on specific topics. If Author A writes only WordPress tutorials, you can set up a conditional logic rule that automatically displays a banner promoting a new WordPress eBook on all posts written by Author A.
Conditional Logic for Page Templates
You can take your site customization one step further with the Page Templates conditional logic. Now, you can load snippets only on selected page templates, giving you the ability to control exactly where certain content appears. This rule can be found in the Smart Conditional Logic section under the Conditions field, titled “Page Templates” in the “Where (page)” category.

This is perfect for maintaining a consistent design while ensuring that dynamic elements, such as ads or special offers, are displayed only on the relevant pages. For example, your website has several custom page templates, such as a landing page, blog post layout, and product pages. Using this rule, you can ensure that certain snippets, like a discount code banner, only appear on product pages.
New Dynamic Content Auto Insert Locations
To give you more flexibility in how and where your snippets appear, we’ve expanded your ability to dynamically insert snippets at predefined points within your content. You can now choose to place snippets at specific intervals such as 25%, 33%, 66%, 75%, or 80% through your content. To use this feature, open a snippet in Edit mode, then scroll down to the Insertion section. Then, from the Location dropdown, you can choose the interval of your choice from the “Page-Specific” category.

These options are particularly useful for placing ads, CTAs (calls to action), or other promotional content where timing and placement are key to engagement and conversions. Suppose you manage a blog that frequently publishes long-form content. You can now monetize this content effectively by inserting affiliate links or advertisements at specific intervals without interrupting the reader’s flow.
Please note: these features are available for all users with a Pro package.
WPCode v2.2.1 is a focused release designed to enhance your ability to control content delivery with surgical precision. Whether you’re managing a multi-author blog, an e-commerce platform, or a site with diverse content needs, these new features offer you the tools to customize and optimize your website like never before.
Upgrade to WPCode Pro today to keep getting exciting new features!